The brief
Design and build your own periscope to see around corners.
The method
- Remove the box lid.
- Place one mirror on the side and near the bottom of the shoebox and trace around it. Place the second mirror at the opposite end of the shoe box and trace around that too.
- Cut out the traced sections to make a door flap. Slant the doors at 45 degree angles.
- Tape the mirrors onto the slanted doors.
- Adjust the mirrors. Keep moving them into place until you can see out of the top hole when you look in through the bottom hole.
- Seal the mirrors into place using PVA glue.
- Glue the shoebox lid back on.
The process
- Watch the video above.
- Check out the “challenge card” in the download section. It has a great diagram and tips.
- Get busy and build your own periscope!
- Record results and a picture in your journal.
- Where did you get the mirrors?
- Is the angle of each mirror important?
- What did not work very well?
- If you were to try again what would you do differently?
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